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RFID technology has become an important helper for intelligent sanitation garbage bin data collection

RFID technology has become an important helper for intelligent sanitation garbage bin data collection

03 Jul 2024

With the high emphasis on environmental protection, the importance of environmental protection can be imagined. It can not only coordinate the relationship between humans and the environment to protect our living environment, but also ensure the sustainable development of the economy. The rapid development of urban construction and environmental treatment have always troubled many management departments. The number and distribution of environmental sanitation facilities, the execution guarantee of garbage collection frequency, daily garbage production and cleaning guarantee, timely garbage transportation, and timely scheduling will become important components of health hearing supervision. Environmental protection work mainly utilizes RFID technology to collect information from various parts, establish intelligent sanitation platforms, and help the development of smart cities. RFID technology has become an important helper for intelligent sanitation garbage bin data collection.

Due to the large number and wide distribution of garbage sanitation facilities, precise and real-time monitoring cannot be achieved; The serious accumulation of garbage in urban garbage bins, the inability to accurately grasp the situation in public places, and the inability to timely understand the efficiency and quality of task execution by relevant personnel; The status information of sanitation vehicles cannot be obtained in real time, and problems such as not following the prescribed route for collection and transportation, and speeding operations cannot be eliminated; The inability to ensure timely transportation and scheduling of garbage poses many challenges for managers, and RFID technology has become an important helper for intelligent environmental sanitation garbage bin data collection.

Garbage clearance supervision is achieved by installing ultra-high frequency RFID readers and writers inside the garbage truck, and attaching ultra-high frequency RFID tags to the garbage bin. When a garbage truck starts loading and unloading garbage, the RFID reader on the garbage truck will read the RFID electronic tag on the operated garbage bin.

Install RFID readers and writers at various community sanitation stations to collect RFID electronic tags installed on trash cans. The RFID electronic tags are bound to detailed information about the location of the trash cans. At critical locations along the cleaning path, install geographic location tags. When the sanitation station passes by, the tag information is read to obtain location information, which is beneficial for the system to plan the optimal route. Install an ultra-high frequency integrated reader and writer on the sanitation vehicle responsible for garbage removal. By installing the ultra-high frequency RFID reader and writer on the sanitation vehicle, electronic tags on each garbage bin or hopper can be read to track the working status of each vehicle. Install GPS locators on sanitation vehicles to determine the location and route of each vehicle (sprinkler, road sweeper, garbage truck, etc.). In this way, the system will record the time and ID information of each trash can operation, with specific unique identity information,

RFID technology collects data from various stages, quickly understands the distribution of facilities in garbage classification management, greatly improves the management efficiency of each stage in environmental sanitation operations, enhances work efficiency, and can achieve timely cleaning of garbage. Provide strong data support for the digital management of urban garbage cleaning work. Digital sanitation management provides real-time monitoring, intelligent analysis, data support, and precise scheduling for sanitation operations, which can effectively improve the level of precision and information management, improve the efficiency of urban sanitation work, ensure work safety, and achieve better economic and social benefits.

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