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How big is the domestic RFID smart bookshelf market in 2024? (The predicted data is for reference only)

How big is the domestic RFID smart bookshelf market in 2024? (The predicted data is for reference only)

17 Jul 2024

With the rapid development of information technology and the advancement of smart city construction, RFID smart bookcases, as an emerging intelligent management tool, have received increasing attention and favor from libraries, schools, enterprises, and public service institutions. So, how big is the domestic RFID smart bookshelf market? This article will provide you with an in-depth analysis of the demand, scale, and prospects of this market. As the channels for obtaining real data are limited, the market forecast data and calculation results in this article are for reference only.

Market demand for RFID smart bookcases

Library and Education Sector

University Library: University libraries manage a large number of books and literature materials. RFID smart bookcases can greatly improve the efficiency of book borrowing and returning, reduce manual operations, lower management costs, and enhance the user experience for teachers and students. At the same time, smart bookcases can achieve precise inventory and quick positioning, improving management efficiency.

Public Library: As an important place for social education, public libraries need to meet the needs of a wide range of readers. The self-service borrowing and returning function of RFID smart bookcases can not only reduce readers' waiting time and improve service quality, but also help libraries achieve efficient book management and reduce manual workload.

Primary and secondary school libraries: Primary and secondary school libraries are important places for students to acquire knowledge. The introduction of RFID smart bookcases not only facilitates students' self-service borrowing and returning of books, but also cultivates their reading habits and information literacy, providing schools with intelligent management tools.

Enterprise and Public Services

Internal management of enterprises: In large enterprises and research institutions, RFID smart bookcases can be used to manage internal books and materials, achieving efficient knowledge management and data archiving. Enterprise employees can quickly find the necessary information and improve work efficiency through the self-service borrowing and returning system.

Community service: In the construction of smart cities, the intelligent transformation of community bookshelves has become an important component. RFID smart bookcases can not only provide convenient reading services for community residents, but also achieve cross regional book resource sharing through networking, improving book utilization.

Market size calculation of RFID smart bookshelf

Global RFID Market Size

According to market research reports, the global RFID market is expected to reach a size of $16.4 billion in 2023 and grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 10%. It is projected to reach $18.04 billion by 2024.

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