The NXP MIFARE SAM AV2 hardware solution is the ideal add-on for reader devices offering additional security services.
Supporting TDEA, AES and RSA capabilities,
it offers secure storage and secure communication in a variety of infrastructures.
Unlike other products in the field, MIFARE SAM AV2 has proven interoperability with all of NXP’s broad card portfolio,
(MIFARE Ultralight, MIFARE Ultralight C, MIFARE 1K, MIFARE 4K, MIFARE Plus, MIFARE DESFire, MIFARE DESFire EV1 and SmartMX solutions),
making it the most versatile and secure SAM solution on the market today.
Supports MIFARE Crypto1, TDEA (Triple DES encryption algorithm), RSA and AES cryptography
Supports MIFARE Ultralight, MIFARE Ultralight C, MIFARE 1K, MIFARE 4K, MIFARE Plus, MIFARE DESFire, MIFARE DESFire EV1
Secure storage and updating of keys (key usage counters)
128 key entries for symmetric cryptography and 3 RSA key entries for asymmetric cryptography
TDEA and AES based key diversification
Offline cryptography
Up to four logical channels; simultaneous multiple card support
Support for DESFire and MIFARE Plus authentication (with related secure messaging and session key generation)
Secure Host to SAM and back end to SAM communication with symmetric cryptography 3 pass authentication for confidentiality and integrity
Support high speed baud rates up to 1.5 Mbit/s
Secure Host to SAM and back end to SAM communication with RSA based cryptography
Support ISO/IEC 7816 baud rates
True random number generator (TRNG)

Target Applications
Access management
Public transport
Loyalty programs
Micro payment